P. 5




              I believe that this set of

              professionals will be the

              torchbearers for your


              Dear Recruiter,
              It gives us immense pleasure to introduce you to our
              energetic, talented, and dynamic student managers    professional  exposure  and  grounded  values,  would
              who are eager to enter the corporate world. VGSoM, IIT   propel  companies  and  economies  into  a  brighter
              Kharagpur has strived to establish itself as a Center of   future.  We  will  continue  to  conscientiously  fine-
              Excellence in Management Education and Research,     tune our pedagogy and curriculum to align with the
              catering to the needs of organizations in various sectors   current  Industry  requirements.  We  want  to  take  this
              of the economy, with a focus on technology-driven and   opportunity to express our gratitude to all the esteemed
              knowledge-based industries that are characterized by   organizations that have maintained corporate
              high levels of globalization, complexity, and innovation.   affiliations with VGSoM since its inception in 1993.
              The  esteemed  faculties  at  our  institute  design  their   We  truly  appreciate  the  long-standing  relationship
              pedagogies  to  impart  the  best  of  knowledge  and   we have fostered with you over the years, as well as
              skills  to  our  students.  It  is  our  constant  endeavour   the trust you have placed in our students. We would
              to ensure that we stay abreast of the challenges and   also  like  to  welcome  the  new  recruiters  to  embark
              opportunities in the world of business and provide our   upon a novel association with VGSoM. We extend our
              students with every avenue to develop their inherent   commitment to establishing a long-term, mutually
              abilities. We are always open to new and innovative   beneficial relationship with your organization. You are
              ideas to build on and implement in exemplary ways.   an integral part of our journey to eminence, and we
              At  VGSoM,  we  believe  in  developing  future  leaders   look forward to welcoming you as a continuing partner
              who  are  committed  to  making  a  significant  social   in our mission of developing world-class leaders and
              impact. Our academic program, corporate interactions   contributing to the building of societies of the future.
              with  Industry  stalwarts  and  prominent  executives,   I  believe  that  this  set  of  professionals  will  be  the
              and confluences through various other avenues have   torchbearers for your organization.
              produced industry-ready professionals, as evidenced
              by our previous Summer and Final placement records.                           Prof. Biswarup Ghosh
              Our  students’  scholarly  aptitude,  paired  with        Placement Chairperson, VGSoM, IIT Kharagpur

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