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          The flagship two-year Master of Business Administration program pioneered by Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur
          envisions to impart management excellence amalgamated with industrial expertise and technological advancement to its students.
          At the forefront, the program is curated for graduate engineers and Master’s degree holders in science, economics & commerce.
          In the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world of post-pandemic management education, the program adapted
          dynamically to interactive online education and continuous evaluation system while preserving reflective learning through case
          studies group assignments, live projects, and interaction with industry experts. The pedagogy for the MBA program comprises
          subject-matter experts with significant industry exposure and business experience. Under their able tutelage, students embark
          on a journey to become future industry stalwarts. The inclusion of “Learning Business Outside Classroom” as part of the MBA
          curriculum promotes experiential learning and enables students to collaborate with entrepreneurs in providing realistic business
          solutions. This ensures that academic concepts are extended to practical scenarios, bridging the prevalent gap between theory
          and application.
          The program’s outcomes are augmented by a compulsory two-month summer internship module, during which students work in
          tandem with corporates, thereby developing networking abilities, building competency, and acquiring relevant skills. The core
          subjects  under  the  MBA  program  include  Human  Resources  Management,  Production  and  Operations,  Marketing,  Finance,
          Information  Systems  Management,  Organizational  Behavior,  Economics,  Strategic  Management,  Legal  Aspects  of  Business,
          Business Ethics, Quantitative Techniques, and Business Communication. Students also have the option to choose from various
          electives apart from the core subjects. These electives include AI & Business Law, Intellectual Property Management, Change
          Management,  Algorithm  Design,  and  Machine  Learning,  Conflict  Resolution  &  Management  and  International  Commercial
          Arbitration, and many more. These electives are available to students through the integration of various departments of IIT, thereby
          encouraging them to explore and pursue their fields of interest. Emphasis is laid on developing leadership and administrative
          skills by ensuring student-led teams manage peripheral administrative functions.

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