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              VGSoM has developed

              its curriculum to include

              industry-centric pedagogies

              and case-study based

              teaching methods

              VGSoM,  IIT  Kharagpur  is  one  of  those  premier   The  current  batch  of  VGSoM  consists  of  bright  and
              institutes which blends creativity with rational and   intelligent  professionals  with  diverse  backgrounds,
              rigorous industry-relevant academia. To cater to the   bringing an eclectic mix of sectoral and functional
              growing demand in the industry for well-experienced   knowledge.  Our  students  are  inquisitive,  highly
              managers  proficient  in  managerial  skills,  VGSoM   motivated, cognizant of value-based leadership, and
              has developed its curriculum to include industry-    ride  high  on  data-driven  decision-making.Through
              centric pedagogies and case-study based teaching     collaborative learning, the significance of the transition
              methods.  Our  faculty  comprises  distinguished     from ‘Me to We’ and from ‘I to Us’ is embedded in our
              academicians  who  are  also  able  industry  experts   students.
              from diverse domains, thereby giving students real-  We hope to embark on a journey of mutual progress,
              world insights into business strategies, management   strengthening our long-standing relationship by
              philosophies, and varied academic theories.
                                                                   allowing our students to demonstrate their competence,
              We  offer  our  students  an  edge  in  the  corporate   bringing value to the business and society through
              world by instilling strategic decision-making skills,   this synergy. I would like to extend a warm welcome
              enabling  them  to  become  tomorrow’s  business     to all recruiters looking for future leaders among our
              leaders. Complementing the pedagogy, we provide      students.
              students  a  platform  for  exploring  the  world  of
              business  through  Guest  Lectures,  Live  Projects,
              Internships,  and  Case-Study  Competitions.  These
              programs ensure that our students  are equipped
              and  empowered  with  knowledge  of  management                                 Prof. Prabina Rajib
              frameworks and skill-sets.                                                Placement Co-Chairperson,
                                                                                            VGSoM, IIT Kharagpur

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