Abhijeet Chandra

Title : Associate Professor
Email Address : abhijeet@vgsom.iitkgp.ac.in
Contact No : +91-3222-281780


  • "Herd Behavior and Asset Pricing in the Indian Stock Market" by Yash Chauhan, Nehal Ahmad, Vaishali Aggarwal, and Abhijeet Chandra in IIMB Management Review(2019).

  • "Impact of Ownership Structure and Dividend on Firm Performance and Firm Risk" by Abhinav K Rajverma, Arun Kumar Misra, Sabyasachi Mohapatra, and Abhijeet Chandra in Managerial Finance(2019).

  • "Ownership Strcuture Influencing Joint Determination of Dividend, Leverage, and Cost of Capital" by Abhinav K Rajverma, Arun Kumar Misra, Rakesh Arrawatia, and Abhijeet Chandra in Cogent - Economics & Finance(2019).

  • "Improving the Volatility Forecasts of GARCH Family Models with the Recurrent Neural Networks" by Amit Sahoo, Aditya Garg, Jitendra Jangid and Abhijeet Chandra in The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences(2018).

  • "Application of VIX and Entropy Indicators for Portfolio Rotation Strategies" by Gaurav Jadhao and Abhijeet Chandra in Research in International Business and Finance(2017).

  • "Does Individual Heterogeneity Shape Retain Investor Behavior?" by Abhijeet Chandra, Kantesha V. S., and A Satya Nandini in International Journal of Social Economics(2017).

  • "Behavioral Asset Pricing: Review and Synthesis" by Abhijeet Chandra and M. Thenmozhi in Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics(2017).

  • "Open Interest, Basis, Volume, and Spot Volatility During Growth, Crisis and Stable Period: Evidence from Indian Stock Market " by M. Thenmozhi, Sony Thomas, and Abhijeet Chandra in Finance India(2016).

  • "On Asymmetric Relationship of India Volatility Index (India VIX) with Stock Market Return and Risk Management" by Abhijeet Chandra and M. Thenmozhi in DECISION(2015).

  • "Factors Influencing Indian Individual Investors: Survey Evidence" by Abhijeet Chandra and Ravinder Kumar in DECISION(2012).

  • "Cause and Effect between FII Trading Behavior and Stock Market Returns: The Indian Experience" by Abhijeet Chandra in Journal of Indian Business Research(2012).

  • "Stock Market Anomalies: A Test of Calendar Effect in the Bombay Stock Exchange" by Abhijeet Chandra in Indian Journal of Finance(2011).

  • "Selection Behavior of Individual Investors: Evidence from Mutual Fund Investments" by Abhijeet Chandra and Ravinder Kumar in Journal of Venture Capital and Financial Services(2010).

  • "Individual Investors' Trading Behavior and the Competence Effect" by Abhijeet Chandra in The IUP Journal of Behavioral Finance(2009).

© Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur