The School offers an advanced programme in management leading to the award of a Ph.D. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur. The programme requires each candidate to take courses recommended by the Doctoral Scrutiny Committee in the first and second semesters after they join the programme. This is followed by a rigorous comprehensive examination that tests their ability to integrate various areas of management, and their readiness for independent research. Upon successful completion of the comprehensive examination, the candidates propose a topic for the research project they plan to undertake. This is reviewed through a Registration Seminar in which detailed feedback and suggestions are provided to the doctoral candidate by her/ his Doctoral Scrutiny Committee and other faculty members and research scholars at various stages of their doctoral programmes. After the research proposal is approved, the doctoral candidates embark on their projects, which are evaluated regularly through presentations and discussions in formal and informal fora. This is expected to lead to a Dissertation that is evaluated by experts within and outside India. Candidates make the necessary modifications and corrections to their Dissertations after they receive feedback from experts in their areas of work. The process ends with an oral examination that is chaired by a senior expert from within or outside the country.

Vinod Gupta School of Management currently has 60 students at various stages of the doctoral programme.


Doctoral students are admitted to VGSoM through the admissions process conducted by IIT Kharagpur. Details regarding admissions are advertised routinely in leading national newspapers and on the website of IIT

For more information click here.

PhD sample question paper

Contact details:

Vinod Gupta School of Management,
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur,
Kharagpur - 721302,
West Bengal, India
Phone: +91.3222.282295 / 282297
Fax: +91.3222.278027
© Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur