"Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship" by Rudra Pradhan in Does innovation promote economic growth? Evidence from European countries(2018).
"Innovation: Organisation and Management" by Rudra Pradhan in Venture capital, innovation activities, and economic growth: are feedback effects at work?(2018).
"The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance" by Rudra Pradhan in Finance and growth: Evidence from the ARF countries(2017).
"Review of Financial Economics" by Rudra Pradhan in Is there a link between economic growth and insurance and banking sector activities in the G-20 countries?(2017).
"Information Technology for Development" by Rudra Pradhan in Telecommunications infrastructure and usage and the FDI–growth nexus: evidence from Asian-21 countries(2017).
"Applied Economics Letters" by Rudra Pradhan in Innovation, financial development and economic growth in eurozone countries(2017).
"Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies" by Rudra Pradhan in Broadband penetration, financial development, and economic growth nexus: evidence from the Arab League countries(2016).
"Empirical Economics" by Rudra Pradhan in Insurance–growth nexus and macroeconomic determinants: evidence from middle-income countries(2016).
"The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development" by Rudra Pradhan in Trade openness, foreign direct investment, and finance-growth nexus in the Eurozone countries(2016).
"Research in International Business and Finance" by Rudra Pradhan in Insurance penetration and economic growth nexus: cross-country evidence from ASEAN(2016).
"Applied Economics" by Rudra Pradhan in Financial depth, internet penetration rates and economic growth: country-panel evidence(2016).
"Asia-Pacific Financial Markets" by Rudra Pradhan in Bond Market Development, Economic Growth and Other Macroeconomic Determinants: Panel VAR Evidence(2016).
"Atmospheric Research" by Rudra Pradhan in Precipitation and temperature changes in eastern India by multiple trend detection methods(2015).
"The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance" by Rudra Pradhan in Economic growth, development of telecommunications infrastructure, and financial development in Asia, 1991–2012(2015).