Rudra Prakash Pradhan

Title : Associate Professor
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Contact No :+91-3222-282316


  • "Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship" by Rudra Pradhan in Does innovation promote economic growth? Evidence from European countries(2018).

  • "Innovation: Organisation and Management" by Rudra Pradhan in Venture capital, innovation activities, and economic growth: are feedback effects at work?(2018).

  • "The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance" by Rudra Pradhan in Finance and growth: Evidence from the ARF countries(2017).

  • "Review of Financial Economics" by Rudra Pradhan in Is there a link between economic growth and insurance and banking sector activities in the G-20 countries?(2017).

  • "Information Technology for Development" by Rudra Pradhan in Telecommunications infrastructure and usage and the FDI–growth nexus: evidence from Asian-21 countries(2017).

  • "Applied Economics Letters" by Rudra Pradhan in Innovation, financial development and economic growth in eurozone countries(2017).

  • "Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies" by Rudra Pradhan in Broadband penetration, financial development, and economic growth nexus: evidence from the Arab League countries(2016).

  • "Empirical Economics" by Rudra Pradhan in Insurance–growth nexus and macroeconomic determinants: evidence from middle-income countries(2016).

  • "The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development" by Rudra Pradhan in Trade openness, foreign direct investment, and finance-growth nexus in the Eurozone countries(2016).

  • "Research in International Business and Finance" by Rudra Pradhan in Insurance penetration and economic growth nexus: cross-country evidence from ASEAN(2016).

  • "Applied Economics" by Rudra Pradhan in Financial depth, internet penetration rates and economic growth: country-panel evidence(2016).

  • "Asia-Pacific Financial Markets" by Rudra Pradhan in Bond Market Development, Economic Growth and Other Macroeconomic Determinants: Panel VAR Evidence(2016).

  • "Atmospheric Research" by Rudra Pradhan in Precipitation and temperature changes in eastern India by multiple trend detection methods(2015).

  • "The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance" by Rudra Pradhan in Economic growth, development of telecommunications infrastructure, and financial development in Asia, 1991–2012(2015).

© Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur